Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Ashley's Hope - Promotional Bundle 1

Hi Friends!

I just posted the Promotional Bundle #1! To purchase, click on the picture and/or continue reading below.

Regularly $22 but now ONLY $11

It includes the following products at a 50% SAVINGS!!!

Alphabet Beginning Sounds Books
My ABC Letter Books
Find the Letter
Alphabet Fluency Strips
Read, Trace, Create & Write

Again, in case you missed it, this promotional product is to benefit Ashley to help her acquire a service dog and all proceeds go directly to this cause.

Promotional Bundle #2 will be released next Wednesday, August 3rd!
Again, 50% OFF the regular individual prices.
I hope you will support this cause too.

Thanks for considering!

1 comment:

  1. 50% saving? Who won't like this promotion… Definitely going to order it and share the information with my friends as well. Thank you for sharing it

